John 3:8 says, “The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.”
Jesus spoke these words describing the activity of God’s Holy Spirit at work in the hearts of people. We are often asked, “How does God work on campus?” It’s tempting to outline our strategies or our plans or our events, but the bottom line is this: God has always done His thing in His own way, and it’s no different here. Let me tell you the story of Kenny (pictured on the right).
One of our ministries, reGeneration, meets on Thursday nights. The first two meetings of this semester, however, were cancelled – one to a Student Union scheduling mistake, and the other to the weather – so we were really late getting that ministry off the ground. At that first meeting, I spoke on Nicodemus and outlined his faith journey as seen in John 3, 7, and 19.
One of the students that showed up was Kenny, a sophomore from Taiwan. He had heard about reGen by meeting some students at the activities fair the previous week. We had a table set up and we handed out information (and candy…can’t forget about the candy!). Curious, he decided to come to the first meeting.
Kenny heard the gospel that night as I told the story of Nicodemus. We talked afterward and he shared with me his background – he’s from a Taiwanese family with a very mixed religious upbringing. He said he was interested in basketball so we agreed to play the next week. So for two days that week we played ball together and just hit it off. A couple of weeks later, and Kenny decided to come to our men’s small group.
Even though he doesn’t know much about Christianity, he has a million questions. We’re studying the life of Jesus from various vignettes in the gospels and he is diving in headfirst. His testimony, should he eventually come to faith, will be phenomenal. But who would have imagined that a kid from Taiwan with no Christian upbringing whatsoever would end up in a small group Bible study looking at the life of Jesus! Please pray for Kenny as his journey continues!